Best of the year (2018)

(Newsletter sent January 2019)

Hey friends, 

One of the best things I did in 2018 was quit social media almost entirely. It's one of the best things I’ve ever done for my brain. That said, I do miss feeling connected with friends and readers who don’t live in Dublin or who I don’t get to see very often. So, I’m dusting off the old newsletter. I just double checked and I started this account way back in November 2011. My life has changed enormously since then. Writing is probably the only thing that has remained consistent. 

This year, I published a bunch of pieces which you can find here. If you read just one, make it this piece. It’s about the New York Review of Book’s decision to fire their editor after he made some very poor #MeToo related editorial decisions. 

Mostly though, I wanted to use this edition of the newsletter to recommend a few of my favourite things from 2018. This time of year, the internet is brimming with ‘best of’ lists. I always find the best content via friends and colleagues who read widely. So much of our internet consumption habits are dictated by algorithms, but there’s still nothing like the curatorial skills of an inquisitive mind at work. So, here are my recommendations. I’m limiting myself to 3 in each section, with a few ‘also rans’. Otherwise, we’d be here all day. 


Also: Slow Burn, The Wilderness, this podcast on dying, Articles of Interest, The Cut on Tuesdays, Zig Zag, A few things, Ezra Klein (start with this episode on media), Layers, Last Seen.


Also: This is us. The Fourth Estate. OITNBThe Intervention. Chapelle. Nanette. Disobedience. A Star is Born


I read 51 books this year, most of which I loved.


Couldn't choose just 3. I favourited 268 articles in 2018. 


Thanks for reading.
Clare x


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