Recommendations (July 2019)

Newsletter July 2019

Summer is not my favourite season. The tight humidity and impenetrable bright-ness usually leave me feeling frayed and over-extended. This year has been no different though I am grateful that it hasn’t been too, too hot. Not like the great heatwave of 2018 when it didn’t rain for months and we ran out of water*. I’m more of an autumn fan. I've taken advantage of a string of 'meh' days to consume some really great podcast/tv/film etc. The highlights are below. Enjoy! 

*actually happened, not hyperbole. 


I finally invested in a podcasting app. For 10+ years, I’ve been diligently uploading podcasts to my iPod once a week. I kept random lists of podcasts to add to the queue and ended up with dozens of downloaded mp3s with nonsensical names cluttering up my computer. I finally accepted the fact that there must be an app for this and downloaded both Pocket Casts and Stitcher

TV/film etc

  • UnTogether

  • Brené Brown's Netflix special

  • Season 2 of Vida - an epic queer story. The party episode of has some of the best costumes I’ve ever seen on TV.

  • Big Little Lies - I, like many people, was worried when they decided to go beyond their excellent first season. But, I should never have doubted Meryl!

  • When they see us - Powerful story of the notorious miscarriage of justice in the 1989 Central Park Five case. Ava Duvernay masterfully conveys the horrific stories of Yusef, Kevin, Antron, Korey & Raymond.



Recommendations (October 2019)


Should I shave my head?