This year, I…

I love the reflection that accompanies this time of year. As is my tradition, I’ve been diving into my Unravelling workbook and setting some goals for the coming year. But before the calendar clicks over into 2023, I wanted to remember some of this year’s highlights as much for myself as anyone else.

Not everything makes a list like this. Many tough moments have been edited out. I’ve protected my privacy by excluding things that are especially precious to me, or especially horrific. I hope you won’t compare this list of ‘outsides’ to your insides. Like everyone, there is so much of my existence that nobody sees. 

OK, enough caveats, onto the list..

Had a miserable January. Failed to do 30 days of yoga. Failed to write much of anything. Everything was hard (but it passed)
Had afternoon tea for the first time, as documented here.

Went to one of these events
Went away for Valentine’s with my love
Had a great meal in Nightmarket
Got really into aquafit. 
The pandemic ended (in as much as these things ever really end)
Some snapshots from Feb.

Took a podcast class and played with the idea of entering the medium
Spent an extra long weekend in Edinburgh and Glasgow, catching up with old friends and eating great food
Went to hear a string quartet play in an old church
Started writing a column for rogue
Published a piece on Longreads. 
Some photos.

Took an editing class
Spent Easter break submerged in my novel. Didn’t get as far as I would have liked. 

Had laser eye surgery. Got covid. Got a secondary bacterial infection. Took antibiotics, steroids, a B12 injection. Read a lot, didn’t have the brainspace to write. Was out for a month, and slowing building back for weeks. It was tough. 

Still couldn’t write. Still trying to get my physical and mental strength back. Took a long time, but it happened.
Tried to find a climate change group. Checked out XR. Did one of these sessions on climate emotions. That evening has stayed with me. 4 emotional women and an older guy who signed off by saying “best of luck” like the guy on Titanic who’s accepted his impending death. I realised that I’ve never had an emotional conversation about climate change, though I think about it all the time.
Finally went to the dentist after years of avoiding it. Spent a small fortune on my teeth. 
Went to Pride in Dublin and then Cork.
Went to a gig celebrating 20 years of my favourite teenage album: Avril Lavinge’s Let Go. 

Hosted friends visiting Ireland from Canada. 
Went to Greece on holiday. Loved it. Wrote lots on the beach. 

Was underwhelmed by the Van Gogh installation.
Joined a writing group. 
Went to the beach. Took many, many walks/runs in the park. 
Enjoyed the Saturday morning market. 
Went kayaking
Took a week off work to revise my novel
Moved in with my love 
Some snapshots from August.

Saw Dara O’Briain in Vicar St
(Partially) renovated a home. 
Took a food writing class
Saw the play that went on to be awarded best production in the Fringe festival.
Some photos.

Saw this powerful documentary in the IFI. 
Passed my driving test.
Started a writing group. 
Took my first ever cycle through Dublin.
Attended a generative writing class
Hosted a queer book club.

Completed a Professional Diploma in Leadership and Management
Celebrated my 35th birthday in London. 
Had my first massage
Bought my first pair of *proper* jeans
Saw Hannah Gatsby 
Saw two more great shows in the Peacock

Embraced the season of rest and festivities.
Continued to fight with my pension provider!
Attended my favourite annual choir service
& soon, will travel to Rome to celebrate Christmas/Hanukkah. 

I didn’t achieve everything I wanted to this year. Not even close. But I’m proud of what I did accomplish. In the busy day to day of living, I don’t always see how much I’m doing. It’s only with the benefit of hindsight that I can see the progress I’ve made. 2022 has been an amazing year. I’m proud of myself. I’m going to take a few weeks off before returning in 2023.


One sentence on the rest of the books I read in 2022


Winter Smorgasbord