The best things I've read/watched/listened to (so far) on the Covid 19 pandemic

I found some comfort and understanding in the following.

Essays by

Mira Jacob, Leslie Jamison, Molly Fischer, Esme Weijun Wang, Reyhan Harmanci, Roxane Gay, Courtney Martin and Saeed Jones.

Other things to read:

The links in this piece which will, hopefully, give you a more complete perspective on how we’re being impacted by the pandemic.

Kate’s newsletter

Send this to anyone who (still) isn’t taking the threat seriously.

David Remnick on Trump in the time of Coronavirus.

How to break the monotony of the crisis

Things to listen to:

Mary H.K Choi’s latest mini-pod

Reading suggestions from the New York Times.

Call Your Girlfriend’s chat re: Covid 19, racism and solidarity. (This aged quickly I think. I listened Friday, and it already felt out of date. But still worth a listen.)

Death, Sex & Money’s call in show (in partnership with the United States of Anxiety)

Understanding the science:

Everything Ed Yong has written.

How outbreaks spread exponentially.

11 charts from Vox.

Cancel everything.

5 great stories about viruses and 10 great stories about the coronavirus.

This practical piece from late February.

It’s one thing to see the death rate convey in a graph. It’s another to see the obituaries section in Italian newspapers.

Things to do:

Colouring books 1 & 2.

The national emergency library.

A kid’s comic (that I, an adult, also really enjoyed).

Sending yourself voice memos just to hear your own voice.

Start a 100 day project.

Plant some food.

Watch this girl and her dog be friends.

Check out the Sanctuary’s meditations.

A poem.

A list of things to read.

Recommendations from the New Yorker.

Death, Sex and Money’s pandemic toolkit.

How the New York Times puts together its cover.


The Covid 19 pandemic will lead to a loneliness pandemic


From my bunker to yours