Recent Articles

Winter Smorgasbord
Can you believe it’s December? This year has flown by, though I suspect that’s because I’m very happy. As I said on Instagram, November was a great month.
My latest Rogue column was published last weekend. It’s about how the internet isn’t as good as it used to be, specifically as a place for reading and writing. I hope you enjoy it!
Now, onto the links..

October Smorgasbord
Happy Halloween to all who celebrate. I’m not a fan of recreational fear. I experience enough actual fear to find that enjoyable, but I do enjoy the crunchy leaves, the beautiful colours, the return to knitwear. Walking home the other day, I met a cluster of children in elaborate costumes. Shout out to the young girl dressed as a tin of Heinz Beans. I also saw a squirrel without a tail and immediately felt embarrassed for the poor thing.

September Smorgasboard
A round up of things to read, watch, listen to etc

Smorgasbord: on the value of link roundups
When I look back on my own history of sharing things on the internet, link roundups have been a consistent part of my output for more than a decade.

A (belated) Happy Pride & some links
Last weekend, I watched the Dublin Pride parade wind its way through our small city. It’s the first ‘normal’ parade since 2019 and that feels (at least to me) like another lifetime. In honour of the season, I read Adrienne Rich’s infamous essay on compulsory heterosexuality.

I got covid. Here are some links.
After more than two years of anxiously worrying that I had covid every time I had a headache, I was somehow still shocked to finally get a positive diagnosis. I felt shitty, but in the usual way I feel when I’m getting a head cold. I’d stayed up late one night writing and had been working in a chilly room and skipping lunch. I was due to feel a bit poorly. I hadn’t been minding myself. This was my penance.

The best things I've read/watched/listened to (so far) on the Covid 19 pandemic
I found some comfort and understanding in the following.
The best of 2019
I’m sure you’re drowning in ‘best of’ lists, but I wanted to share a few favourites before 2019 ticks over into 2020.

An incomplete list of the best of 2014
It's very hard to collate a ‘best of’ list unless you’ve either (a) been keeping an eye on it all year or (b) have time to go re-consume everything again. I (a) haven’t and (b) don’t so this is an approximation of some of the best things I consumed in 2014, with a bias toward recent things and things that I was reminded on from other people’s ‘best of 2014’ lists.
Currently (Dec 2014)
tap.tap. is this thing on? Forgive the absence. I have been to Amman and back. A city where I saw a refugee camp, a hotel room and very little else. Immense place, still figuring it out. My cultural consumption has been stunted due to extreme experiences of the real life kind, but it’s almost Christmas and I’m looking forward to filling my well full of quality stuff.

Currently (Nov 2014)
I am…I am trying not to say that I am stressed, because I am not. I am ready. But I am nervous. This week, I’m taking a big (& quite last minute) trip with work. It will be challenging, to put it mildly. I’m really trying to zen out a bit today. It’s not easy. This week wasn’t either, but here are some highlights: