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The 5 pieces of advice I always give writers
On writing Clare Egan On writing Clare Egan

The 5 pieces of advice I always give writers

I love writers. I love their capacity to suspend disbelief and to work in an industry built on such changeable foundations. I love the tension between creativity and commerce. I love that writers can mould their own careers, built around their own interests and ideas. It can be crushingly challenging - endless rejection, snarky comments and the monotony of creation takes it’s toll. It’s also a privilege to do the work, to have people read it and to be working in this golden age for content creators.

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My perfectly imperfect scarf
On writing Clare Egan On writing Clare Egan

My perfectly imperfect scarf

I just finished knitting a scarf. It was the source of some humor among friends, who thought I was inspired by Meredith Grey who began knitting a sweater in order to stay away from men. (Like most good jokes, this may have been a teensy bit true. Meredith is also holding the needles incorrectly, which I know, because I do too.)

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