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“He took her life, stole her future”
Women, Sexual violence Clare Egan Women, Sexual violence Clare Egan

“He took her life, stole her future”

I’m not sure what more there is to say about Sarah Everard’s murder. I’m hesitant to say anything besides offering condolences to the people that loved her, that continue to love her. I can only imagine what it must be like to see the face of a person you love in the paper under a headline with the words ‘rape’ and ‘murder’ in it.

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The New York Review of Books was right to fire Ian Buruma
Sexual violence, Ireland, Media Clare Egan Sexual violence, Ireland, Media Clare Egan

The New York Review of Books was right to fire Ian Buruma

Fintan O’Toole recently wrote that the departure of Ian Buruma as editor of the New York Review of Books (NYRB) should worry anyone who values freedom of the press. Buruma left his position after publishing a piece written by disgraced Canadian broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than 20 people.

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