Recent Articles

From my bunker to yours
Wow, what a weird time. I hadn’t planned to send a note but given how monumentally strange the world has become, I felt the urge to put my thoughts down on paper and send them out into the world. I am well. I am home, cocooning myself away from the risk of contracting a pandemic. If you told me 3 months ago that I’d be writing that sentence, I’d have laughed and then cried.

Should I shave my head?
(coz I kinda already did)

Why I’ve (mostly) quit social media
It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for my brain.

I’m thankful that
I’m thankful that when I poured milk into my small, square tupperware container filled with flakes of organic oatmeal and a few anaemic currants, I instantly noticed the gelatinous, globbiness of the milk and thought, “hmm, maybe this is gone off”. I’m thankful that I was able to spoon out the gloopy, sour gross bit from one end of the tub and keep the rest intact and that I only spilt some of it on the floor.