Recent Articles

September Smorgasboard
A round up of things to read, watch, listen to etc

I got covid. Here are some links.
After more than two years of anxiously worrying that I had covid every time I had a headache, I was somehow still shocked to finally get a positive diagnosis. I felt shitty, but in the usual way I feel when I’m getting a head cold. I’d stayed up late one night writing and had been working in a chilly room and skipping lunch. I was due to feel a bit poorly. I hadn’t been minding myself. This was my penance.

Mother’s day, March recs & some writing news
Just quick update today. As I write, the sun is finally shining in Dublin and I want to get out and enjoy it. The weather is forecast to turn this week - from the positively balmy 16 degrees we're currently enjoying back down to 6 degrees. Before I get the sunscreen out, I wanted to share some news and recommendations.

A reading list on love
Though St Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday celebrating a Catholic Saint I don’t believe in, I still like to celebrate it. There is no other day dedicated to the awesome power of love as a force of good (& sometimes evil) in our lives.
I’ve gathered a bunch of articles connected by the theme of love. I hope you enjoy!

A reading list for mother’s day
These are the things that help me feel human when I feel wobbly with grief.

The Trump horror reading list
In the aftermath of Trump’s shocking victory, I dove into a bunch of articles/podcasts/videos trying to understand what happened. These were some of the best

Seven stories on infidelity
Infidelity is one of those topics that most people have a STRONG opinion on and a visceral emotional reaction to. Primarily, that reaction is devastation. It is a deep betrayal, a deep rejection, a wound most people fear. Infidelity is also very common. I’ve collected a bunch of stories (+ one film, + one podcast episode) on cheating.