Recent Articles

The Happiness Industry
Reading Meghan Daum’s fantastic piece in the New York, I was struck by this line: “Clarissa is working through her losses and learning to have a more positive attitude.”
Quick thoughts on entrepreneurship & “self-care”
It’s become fashionable to bemoan the pace of modern life but I don’t think this era of workers are necessarily working harder. I come from farming stock where 7-day work weeks and 16 hour days of demanding physical labour are the norm. I’ve never met a mother who’s (mostly invisible, unpaid) work didn’t make high demands of her. I think that it’s a privilege to be able to work hard at something you believe in, when the vast majority of people on the planet work hard just to survive.

The new metrics of success
I’m tired of berating myself for “not being far enough along”.

Don’t quit in the middle.
Have you ever looked at your clock at 11am, certain that it must be almost bed time?
That’s been a big feature of my life these past few months.
Moving to NY and building a life here has been flippin’ exhausting! Like “go to bed at 4pm on a Saturday” kind of exhausting. I’ve spend the winter months devouring books and Netflix much more than having the “New York experience”.