Recent Articles

Ukraine, 6 months on
This week will mark the 6 month anniversary since Russia invaded Ukraine. Though fighting continues, it has largely slipped from the headlines.

Is there a better way to write about the climate crisis?
I’ve been trying to formulate a way to write something about the climate crisis that doesn’t descend into fatalistic despair and to be honest, I’m not sure there’s an honest way to do that.

Joe Biden is not a strong candidate. Let’s stop focusing all our attention on him.
There’s a long way to go before the democratic candidate for the 2020 election is chosen but most Irish media headlines have focused on former vice-president Joe Biden.
This is a mistake.

What the 2016 election taught us about women, power and “authenticity”
One of the most frequent criticisms of Hillary Rodham Clinton is the suggestion that she's inauthentic. Questions about “authenticity” have dogged her thirty years in public life, from First Lady and Senator to Secretary of State and presidential candidate. But, HRC has been “authentic” all along. We just weren’t listening.

On ‘The Rules Do Not Apply” and privilege
There’s something about the internet’s quickness to reach for the ‘check your privilege’ card that makes me very uncomfortable.

The New York Review of Books was right to fire Ian Buruma
Fintan O’Toole recently wrote that the departure of Ian Buruma as editor of the New York Review of Books (NYRB) should worry anyone who values freedom of the press. Buruma left his position after publishing a piece written by disgraced Canadian broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by more than 20 people.