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I got covid. Here are some links.
After more than two years of anxiously worrying that I had covid every time I had a headache, I was somehow still shocked to finally get a positive diagnosis. I felt shitty, but in the usual way I feel when I’m getting a head cold. I’d stayed up late one night writing and had been working in a chilly room and skipping lunch. I was due to feel a bit poorly. I hadn’t been minding myself. This was my penance.

“This is never going to end, is it?”
I was sitting down to dinner with my girlfriend as news of the new Omicron variant broke. As we took the lids of the tupperware and smelled the steaming curry, my heart sank.

What’s missing from mainstream media coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic
In Ireland, there are probably less than a hundred people in newsrooms across the country who get to decide what’s important, what gets covered and how. Those people are mostly white, male and middle class and the media they produce reflects those biases.
Will it ever end?
Like everyone else, I found out that the grueling level 5 lockdown is likely to be extended to early May (9 long weeks from now) via a newspaper interview. Or, more accurately, via twitter where people were rightly critical that the Taoiseach didn't have either the courtesy or the common sense to share such a significant piece of news in a more carefully managed way.

The best things I've read/watched/listened to (so far) on the Covid 19 pandemic
I found some comfort and understanding in the following.